How your eyes trick your mind. Cognitive psychology


Guadalupe Ojeda said...

Each ilusion has its own way to trick the eye. Mots of them have geometrical figures in which they seem to be bigger or smaller depending on the angle. They are very nice and i enjoy it.

Matias Kipperband said...

What have i learnt about perception
I learnt that we each see the world different. things we see may change depending on how are brain is. I also learnt that illusions go way back, which i didn't know

Anonymous said...

What I have learnt about perception:
Throuought these optical illusions, I´ve seen how the brain can be fooled with a drrawing or a geometrical figure, such as believing it moves, but really it doesn´t. This is because of the way the brain works. In the case of the old and young woman, there can be two images in one drawing. The things you see aren´t allways the sames as what others see, because everyone has a different personality and a way of seeing things
Martin Luchessa

Anonymous said...

I have learnt that not everything we see is real or is it as we see it. That with some tricky images made,by scientist or students who study eye sight, you can see the image moving, or a line bigger than the other one. However it isnt truth, our eyes are fooling us. If i had to define ilusion i would define it as "Images which fool with us"

Cande Marcote

Gonzalo said...

What I have learnt about perception

I have learnt than mankind has always been interested in illusions because it is fun and entertaining to see how our senses can be tricked into thinking something is what it isn't, not to mention how interesting it is. I also learnt that, thanks to technology, perceptive illusions have been increasing in quantity and also in quality.

Trini Reynoso said...

In these optical illusions, I've seen how the brain thinks one thing and another thing is happening,such as, when we see a geometrical picture and we think that is moving but is not or when we see dots between the squares but if we stay seeing just one dot it disappears.

charpentier said...

What i have learned about perception.
Perception is an act of apprehending by means of the senses or the mind.I learned that in optical illusions our eyes are tricked. We perceive something that is not the truth, because we are fooled by the optical illusion. I learned that the illusion were "invented" a long time ago, so they are always new developments.

Anonymous said...

What I have learned about perception is that sometimes our eyes fooled us and we see things different than they are like. Our minds tends to make assumptions and this is shown to us by optical or vissual illusions.

Unknown said...

Is great I've enjoyed it a lot. I learnt about perception that it depends on the person who see the image or whatever it is, because there are some people who can't see what they need to, to catch the idea of the picture. All in all perception is the recognition and interpretation of sensory information, and it is also based on how we interpret the information. In conclusion these images were great and I got very surprise with the type of images they were.

Anonymous said...

What I have learnt about perception is that each person may have a different way to perceive things and they might have eye illusions that probably make us confuse about what we see and what the real things are about, because of the different factors involved and illusions we may have.

Anonymous said...

what i have learn about perception is that it is the process of interpreting pictures or thing in different ways, with different senses. Each person may have a different way of seeing thing and understanding them. it also includes how we respond to information. perception help us work all the areas in our brain deal with colour, form and texture.

Anonymous said...

great blog janet. it is very intresting the optical ilucion of the trident

Anonymous said...

It's a trick our eyes are playing on us, for example, when we see a magic trick, we set our eyes on one object to make sure it stays that way, but we don't focus on what's going on elsewhere, so we can't tell whether something actually moves or not, whether it changes or not. We will never be able to tell, because as soon as we set our eyes on it, it's immobile.

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, really interesting post with lot of illusions. My favorite illusion was the green and blue circle that move! I expect more post about optical ilusions.

Anonymous said...

hey there miss Janet. How you been??

Malena Fernandez said...

I think we cant always trust our senses because although they are right most of the time, they can be tricked (maybe because of an acoustic or optical stimulus that confuses us) causing us to think that something is in a certain way when it really isn´t. We should pay attention to our senses but also use common sense.

Paz O'Farrell said...

our senses are what we as humans rely on. however, we must keep in mind that they can de deceived. optical illusions are a perfect example. what we must ask ourselves is; what do we think is happening, and what is really happening?

Anonymous said...

what i have learn about illusions that sometimes what we see is not really what it is and also that we can see something in many ways if we try to.

Anonymous said...

I learnt that nothing is as it seems and that if you play close attention you can find things you would have never noticed.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very interesting how our eyes can see images in different ways. I learnt that perseption let us persive images differently.
