Now find out about handedness

here you have some information to sift through. You can go into neuroscience for kids, find out about the brain and its functions and even play the split brain game.
have fun and learn.

Left handed?

Take a look at all these left handed people.

Language and the brain

Language Feature Unique To Human Brain Identified Researchers have identified a language feature unique to the human brain that is shedding light on how human language evolved. The study marks the first use of diffusion tensor imaging, a noninvasive imaging technique, to compare human brain structures to those of chimpanzees, our closest living relative.

Jean Piaget

When we talk about child development theories and try to explain how children learn and children´s  thought processes we come to jean Piaget. In this video you can see something about the conservation tasks.

Studies related to the brain

Here is the link to a great tutorial which will allow you to view certain important facts about the brain.

DNA and its uses

What do you think?
Read the article and get ready to discuss in class.

Polémica por un examen de ADN a chicos


Child Development students

This is an interesting article which appeared in La Nacion on Sunday 16th, March.

Do read it. 


This link will allow you to explore some topics related to memory.
The study on memory deals with the eye witness testimony.

Sigmund Freud

When we start looking up infornation about one of the studies in Developmental Psychology we may enter the following link

This will give us some information about the author of the study on Little Hans.


Watch the following videos on the study about aggression by Albert Bandura. Please post your comments.

AS studies

For all the AS studies in psychology there are certain questions to bear in mind. See the following document and remember these questions apply to all the studies.

Questions that you should ask about the key studies
Why was the study or review performed?
On what theory is the study or review based?
Introduce the area.
What are the aims of the article, what hypotheses are being tested, what are the independent and dependent variables, how are they operationalised, and were the variables operationalised appropriately?
What method was used in the study?
Laboratory Experiment, Natural or Field Experiment, Case Study, Questionnaire, Review.
State three advantages and three disadvantages of the method used.
Give details of the procedure(s). Include design, setting, subjects, controls, etc.
For case studies, say what happened to the subject. For review, give details of at least three aspects.
What were the main findings of the study or review?
What was concluded?
What are the implications of the study?
Are there any ethical guidelines broken in this study/area?
Deception, Withdrawal, Harm, Consent, Debriefing, Confidentiality, Protection of participants, Observational Research, Giving advice, Colleagues?
Evaluate the following:
Subjects/Sample, Experimenter bias, Demand Characteristics, Implications for theory, Ecological validity, Ethnocentrism, Control
Other evaluation.
The perspective is:
Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Comparative Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Culture & Identity.
This study relates to the issues of:
Ethics, Children, Animals, Nature & Nurture, Scientific Method.
Say why.
What are the key terms?
How were the variables operationalised?
How was the data collected?
How was the study affected by the social and political issues at the time it was conducted?
Can we relate the study to everyday life?
What if the location was different?
What if the measurement was different?
What if the procedure was different?

Important Issues
A. Everyday life -ecological validity
B. Nature and Nurture
C. Determinism and freewill
D. Psychometrics
E. Laboratory Vs Field Studies
F. Usefulness
G. Qualitative Vs quantitative
H. Norms v Diversity
I. Ethnocentrism
J. Different types of explanation for the same event - e.g. physiological v developmental v social explanations of aggression
