Attachment 4to ES

You are invited to post a comment, both Michael Ham and St Mark´s students.


Anonymous said...

It is very interesting, I think that maybe de mother hugged her kitten while sleeping because she didn't want to loose it. She may be a very protective mother.
Belén Lacroze

Anonymous said...

Janet, I loved the video! It's so cute.. Here I can see one of the experiments that Frued done (the ones with the monkeys) but in this case with cats.
We can see the attachment of the two cats, and the comfort and pleasure that the kitten expresses with its face.
Sofía Maquieira

Anonymous said...

Janet! This is the cutest video I've ever seen! I found it really familiar with the famous experiment "MONKEYS ATTACHEMENT" but in this case with cats!

Valentina Baloni!

Miss Janet said...

The experiment you mentioned was not done by Freud.
This was carried out by Harlow. It is related to attachment and the needs of a baby.

Anonymous said...

It's true!! I confused, so many names to remeber.. Sorry
Sofía Maquieira

Anonymous said...

Janet i liked the video very much!! i think the little kitten has a nightmare or something like that and the mother wakes up and hugs him very hard to protect him!
Angeles Ayerza

Anonymous said...

Janet, I saw the video yesterday and I thought that the kitten was having a nightmare. The mother cat had a protective instinct towards the kitten. The cat might even be the father! However I think it is more probable for it to be female... I really enjoyed the video: it is so cute!
Sofía Vítolo

Josefinaa said...

Oh Janettt is lovely the videooo !! I loved ittt. Its very similar to the mokeys atachmenttt

Anonymous said...

Janet, this video is so cute!! we can see an attachment between the little kitten and its mother. While I was watching it I emediatly thought of the experiment done by Harry Harlow, known as THE MONKEYS ATTACHMENT.

Maggie Genes said...

Jannet i'm Maggie Genes. I´ve been searching cases of people that have had attachment disorders and have suffered the consequences of it. The one that i found the most interesting was one of a girl called Rebecca that when she was 2 years old her parents got divorced and she stayed with her father while her mother remained overseas with the armed forces. After 8 months of staying with her father, described as chaotic, going through legal problems, she went with her grandparents before her mother resumed care. Rebecca's physical development was normal but her language,cognitive, and social development were delayed. Cognitive testing suggested mild mental
retardation. This were the consequences of having an attachment disorder.
I hope you enjoy my comment, Maggie.
