Observation skills


Anonymous said...

The first time I saw the video, I couldn't realize so many things had been replased.Further on, the second time I looked at it knowing that things were going to be changed, I could appreciate the diferences.
This video, in my opinion, teaches us that there are many things that at first sight we don't realize they even exist. But, once we take a second look at it, plenty of important details can appear.
Felicitas Cassagne, 4to Sociales

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw the video I realized of some changes, but very few. But, the second time, I saw many changes I hadn´t seen the first time. This occured because the first time I saw the video I was concentrated on what the actors were saying, but the second time, I was focused in the changes that were taking place.

Belu Lacroze

Mrina massa said...

I dint notice any changes neither the second time i saw it,.
Marina Massa

Anonymous said...

The first time i saw it in my house i didnt notice any changes at all neither did the second time i saw it. I finally realize some changes the third time i saw it in the class.
Marina Massa

Anonymous said...

Janet, when I first saw the video, I realized of very few changes (five or six). I couldn't believe how many changes there were when all of these were shown. It was really surprising. The first time, my attention was on the voice, while the second time I recognized most of the changes because I knew them.
Cande Beruti

Anonymous said...

i liked the video very much and have fun when we acted it :)
fatima lobos

Anonymous said...

jant the video was very intresting because at first i colnd ´t see the differences of some objects, but when i saw it again, i could see the differences.
julieta diez

Anonymous said...

I was interested in knowing who the murder was, so I didn´t concentrate in anything else apart from understanding what all these people had to say. This is the reason why I think I didn´t check out for any of the changes afterwards shown, except for one. The service man, who at first was holding a log ("palo de amasar") and I thought how weird this was because he was holding it too stiff. When he was shown once again, I saw he didn´t have the log any more, but was holding a candle base ("candelabro").
Sofía Vítolo

Anonymous said...

The who did it activity:

My experience watching the video, was that at first I saw something’s were changed but I didn’t pay attention to those details, but then when it is shown that 21 things change and I watched again I realised what things had changed, not all of them until I watched for the third time.
This can be related with EWT (Eye Witness Testimony). Some people may see things and remember them differently than others. Eyewitness testimony is an important area in cognitive psychology and human memory; that’s why, witnesses may see a different thing when an event takes palace, or video is watched in this case, compared to another witness testimony or what he has seen when it happened.

By: Martina Beverati

Anonymous said...

Janet, excelent video and our fantastic acting with my amazing participation as the clock!Maia

Anonymous said...

Janet, very good video with our excelent presentation, especially my amazing participation as the clock!Maia

Anonymous said...

When I saw this video I couldn't realize the changes is the escenography. What happened to me was that we had seen a video one day in class that consisted in people passing a ball and as we had to count how many passes there where, we couldn't realize that meanwhile a gorila passed through. So in this video I payed attention to the bear behind because I thought this one might move or talk. I realize that it had been changed by a soldier afterwards. This was the only change I could recognize.
As we pay attention to the person that talks and to the topic of the video we can’t see the 21 changes that this one had.
I really liked it, and I had fun acting it in class.
Sofía Maquieira

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the video I didn't realize any change because I was paying attention to another thing. I liked the video very much and it clearly shows how you can miss things when you are paying all your attention in others, in this case in who was the murder.
Camila Dameno

Anonymous said...

When I saw the video I couldnt understand why we had to see it, what was the point. But as it finished and they showed us the different changes I knew what the idea. I didnt recognize any change until they pointed at eache one of it. It was veery fuuuun! Meri Guerineau

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet!! When I saw for the very first time the video I paid attention to the people who where talking so I wasn't able to see all of the changes.But as soon as the video started showing the 21 changes there had been I really couldn't believe it!!
I loved the video!! Valentina Baloni

Anonymous said...

the first time I watch the video, I only realized two changes: the man and the clock. When I saw all the changes that had been made, I was surprised
Fatima Lobos

Anonymous said...

i discover only one change because i was concentrated in understanding. I really injoy this video,it shows how you can miss things when you are concentrated in others

Miss Janet said...

Great girls. very interesting comments from all of you. Thank you very much. Homework is not all that bad, is it?

Unknown said...

janet: first i didin't realized any the change because i was locking other things but when i so it for the 2 time i could see al the changes it was funnn and i show it to all my familyyyy

Unknown said...

by: martina gandulfo i forgot to put the name

Anonymous said...

Janet when I saw the video at first I didn't realised any change because I was paying atention on what the characters said. In the second time I saw it I realised more changes in scenery but not all. I liked very much. And I had a lot of fun acting it.
Blueby Pasman

Anonymous said...

Janet when I saw the video at first I didn't realised any change because I was paying atention on what the characters said. In the second time I saw it I realised more changes in scenery but not all. I liked very much. And I had a lot of fun acting it.
Blueby Pasman

Anonymous said...

Amazing video!

Anonymous said...

Very good video janet! hope you put online more videos jaja! Thank you for your nice classes!
Vicky Freire!!!!
