Psychometric tests

Psychometric tests

These tests are the ones that measure some aspect of a person's
psychological functioning to provide a score which can

* enable comparisons to be made with the scores of other people, some
tests are standarised around a population norm or average, enabling
to be more accurately compared.

* enable predictions to be made concerning future behaviour and

The key controversial issues become

Is the test fairly conducted_this involves conditions of testing,
experience of testing and motivation and intentions of those tested

Is the test fairly constructed These tests should not be biased in
of one type of population.

Is the test technically sound. Validity and reliability should be

Are the test results properly used and applied which involves
psychologists being aware that you do not assume the results are
stable or perfectly predictive.

You do not use the results to label people negatively, nor do you use
results to compare if they were not designed for that purpose. Remember
tests need to be standarised on a common scale.

Given these controversial aspects tests are still used because
psychometric testing has various advantages

* it is easy and quick

*if the tests are well constructed they can be objective and fair

* they have been shown to be very useful for employees, employers and
people suffering from problems.

